Combined Antenatal Care (CANC) is led by our practice midwives in conjunction with our doctors and in association with the relevant hospital obstetrical services.
The practice has a particular ethos in the provision of high quality maternity and infant care and commits significant resources to its application. There is a focus on maternal and infant nutrition, support of breast feeding and promotion of proven preventative measures such as vaccination.
If you are planning a pregnancy it is advisable to consult with the doctor or midwife in the practice in advance in order to optimise your care.
If you are pregnant we advise you to make and initial booking visit with the practice midwife, if possible not late than the 6th week of your pregnancy.
Your programme of care will be outlined at this stage, including those services and planned visits which are free of charge if you register with the Maternity and Infant Scheme. The scheme extends to the postnatal period to include 2 planned visits at 2 and 6 weeks for the review of the baby and mother.
We endeavour to provide continuity of care throughout your pregnancy with the same clinical staff.